Sunday, January 07, 2007


A brand new year, always make me excited!
In this coming year, i only want one thing and it is the determination to do what i
want to do and the determination to get it done.
At the end of last year(seems like a long time ago but in fact it's only a few days ago!), I have planned to go for a little travel and this is what happened: first: it seems almost impossible to get the fight ticket, second: when i finally get the ticket, it's hard to take the hotel room, third: whaen i finally get the fight ticket AND the hotel room, i found that the passport is expired, fouth: when i finally fix the passport problem, there is this 'chicken pot' panic at the school and three of the staff is down(a.k.a. died in the field), so i paid $500 to get a needle injection and just when everythings seems good again... fifth: i broke my glasses the day b4 i leave Hong Kong. So in another words, i believe it takes determination to get what i want and get it done. Happy 2007 everyone and let's get things started!!!

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