Monday, January 22, 2007

the road ahead...

i am a person with no religion, believes in nothing but myself. i like to believe that life is what i want it to be, that i can take total control of it. That's why i choose to live a simple life. Eventually, you will meet someone special and you will like to let that special someone into your life, share things together, share happiness together. But what you wish and what you get are always not as expected. sooner or later, you'll find out things are way too complicated, that almost everything are out of your control. You freak out, you are disappointed. right now, the road ahead? not a straight path... I still believe life is what i want it to be, like i said before, it just take more determination to get what you wish for. Don't ever let me give up on that...

Friday, January 12, 2007

One thing lead to another...

Allow me to take a break form my Bangkok trip diary cause i got something that i would like to get it out of my system, so i could breath again.
I used to think life is full of problems, and i have unconciously use it as an excuse, so i can blame on it rather than myself. Tonight, out of the blue, i suddenly come to realize that it's me who is keep looking for trouble. Even when everything is going great, i am always suspicious about the tiniest details, making it hard on myself and making it hard to the one next to me. Just hope i am not too late, and it didn't done any damage yet. Cause one thing always lead to another, and i can't bear to imagine what will happen next... please don't fail me, not this time!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Finally, it's real (Day 1)

After all the drama before, it's finally come to the day i've been so looking forward to. Wake up at 4:00, arrive the airport at 6:30, check in, aboard the plane and here i am! BANGKOK. Took a taxi to the hotel, have lunch, took a shower, freshen up and ready to roll. Visited some of the malls, Gaysorn, Central World and Erawan. Bangkok is not quite the same as i imagine, but it seems didn't matter. Once i get here, i realize "the place" wasn't "the thing", it's the experience you share that's gonna last and you'll cherish. Not bad, Not bad at all.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


A brand new year, always make me excited!
In this coming year, i only want one thing and it is the determination to do what i
want to do and the determination to get it done.
At the end of last year(seems like a long time ago but in fact it's only a few days ago!), I have planned to go for a little travel and this is what happened: first: it seems almost impossible to get the fight ticket, second: when i finally get the ticket, it's hard to take the hotel room, third: whaen i finally get the fight ticket AND the hotel room, i found that the passport is expired, fouth: when i finally fix the passport problem, there is this 'chicken pot' panic at the school and three of the staff is down(a.k.a. died in the field), so i paid $500 to get a needle injection and just when everythings seems good again... fifth: i broke my glasses the day b4 i leave Hong Kong. So in another words, i believe it takes determination to get what i want and get it done. Happy 2007 everyone and let's get things started!!!