Sunday, July 09, 2006

the sky is about to fall...

Can't sleep very well these couple of nights, even when i'm alseep, i'm half awake. Last night, i decided not to force myself into sleep and so i played video games till the morning came, i slept and when i wake up, it's already 4:00 in the afternoon. Since it seems sunny outside, i quickly put on my running gear, bring my ipod and rushed outside. The weather was really bad, it's not sunny but it's hot, it's not rainy but it's wet. The sky is about to fall. I sweat even more that usual because of the weather, i haven't stop even my sweat is blurring my eyes. But when i stopped the feeling was good, it feels like all the emotions, the uncertainty are out of my system... at least for a while.

So i was exhausted and i just picked a DVD, grab some food on this Sunday night.


MW+ve said...

u recalled the memories of our hostel life.

Mrszoepoon said...

man, that was such a great time!