Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Don't fail me

Went running again. Today i have been to the shittiest meetings ever in this whole year, witnessing an asshole came to power and showing it off in the meeting, what made me so upset is that i thought i was done with it, i thought i have done letting others affect me, i thought i walked past it, i thought i was immune. And the truth is, i am not, but i can't fail myself again, not again, or i will walk straight back to the 'shit-storm' like my whole last year, that's why i left, that's why i needed a change, that's why i needed a fresh start. I'll need my will on this and so, i went running again.

i ran for 17 laps and when i stopped, my legs are shaking, my lungs are sore, my heart is jumping like hell but i am relieved beacuse my will has taking over my body and i know i still have a strong will. This time i won't fail myself.


jeremy said...

keep up for the strong will, I'm always by your side. After tons of frustrations, I have to admit that sometimes it's just a click of decision for your goodself whether u want a dog's life or a "no regret" game.

Mrszoepoon said...

thanks sis, thanks for the support and i'll watch your back too :-)

olivia said...

i like the feeling or running (away) too. u keep running and running till ur mind goes blank and u lose ur nerve.
hey cheer up it's what people calls life. but i always think u can find some way to fight back. as long as u have the spirit. u will be fine.

MW+ve said...

Woo......amazing!i don't think only by ur strong will could achieve that 17 laps......u must be physically cabable to do so, that means u are stronger than before, great!

That's why i love running so much!

#hey B.D.,there're 'shit-storms' everywhere, no need to run and hide, as we all know, storms don't last, let those assholes ruin themselves.