Tuesday, May 01, 2007

hard to swallow

these few days feel like weeks long. had a few plans of my own in the weekend but didn't work out, actually its not that a big deal, it's just i am a person with "ZERO" EQ, so it just takes me more time than a regular person to cool down. What gets me the most in the week is that mum is hurt. when u see the one you love gets hurt, the pain is just as much emotionally as phsically. i always believes what goes up must comes down, so i never wish things to be too good, too smooth, too happy, never too big, too small, just like it to be regular, simple, no complications, no spider-webs.

p.s. to mum: wish you good health, get well soon, love you with every beat of my heart.
p.s.s. thanks for sticking around the whole time every step of the way, it means a lot to me!

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