Saturday, May 05, 2007

27th April,2007

to tell the truth, it is a day i have been looking forward to, a day when good things are supposed to happen. Instead its the complete opposite, emotional issues, mum's accident, lesson observation, work, it just has been a big emotional down fall. it's not that i am not strong enough to handle them, it's just a feeling that it all happens to happen right after the 27th, am i bad luck? what have i done to deserve all these? i have been trying to rest, but i am even more stressed up. it's been a while since i have a peaceful mind, and i know i am going to need that, to keep me back on track or i am about to fall apart. Does anyone have a good suggestion?


juko_sy said...

Things happen if they have to, no matter how many prayers you have said to the God. no one is deserved for unhappiness, if you believe that you are deserved for a better and happier life, just go fight for it. Don't let your negative side knock you down. Take a deep breath and get over it.

olivia said...

I'm never good at saying comforting words. bad things do happen. but we can count on each other, we will get through these. keep your heart open, stay positive, don't lost count of your blessings, tomorrow seems not that bad, right?