Sunday, October 08, 2006


why we always seems so small when we needed to be big? knowing the person i care is sad, and today i seat in this park by myself for like two hours, all i can realize is that i really don't know what to do or say to make things easier, better or happier. feel so f**king small and my mind is f**king me up again, great timing...


jeremy said...

I believe that if someone is sad, what they need is support or just a shoulder to lean on. Dun always try to find a solution, hold her hand to walk through it together. Sometimes, the "negative power" in one can affect another, compress it with your positive will. Though it sounds like a cliche but I really dun want to see u down again...:-(

olivia said...

i don't want u to see u down 2. u have all the strength from me and jeremy. even though i havent told you, i'm happy when i saw u have a big nice smile. things will be fine. i don't know what i can do but i will always keep u in my prayer.