Sunday, October 15, 2006

no worries

Hey, Big sis and 2 sis, sorry to make you two worry. I know in life, there are always problems, it just how we look at it and how we handle it that matters. Maybe life without problems will only make us take things for granted. i'm glad about what i have now and i'll face whatever it is with my head up to keep it.

P.S. jeremy, sorry for lending hin hin's funny face. He is a much BIGGER boy now. He is so full of energy.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


why we always seems so small when we needed to be big? knowing the person i care is sad, and today i seat in this park by myself for like two hours, all i can realize is that i really don't know what to do or say to make things easier, better or happier. feel so f**king small and my mind is f**king me up again, great timing...


these couple of months have been fantastic, been through a big change, made some big decisions and as the story goes, the plot should be 'happy ever after', and of course that is fairy tale. I want things to be as simple and clear and predictable as possible, but life is complicated, blurred and unpredictable. And that's why i live so unconfortably in this world. It seems like you can never get out of your past, that in some sense, the past has always has some consequences affecting the present. Just when i think the future is clear and bright, there is always 'the past' that pulling us back, make you worried, make you questioned and i hate myself for feeling the way i feel. I don't need this, i don't want this and i didn't asked for this. But again, this is me. And welcome to my world.

Monday, October 02, 2006


There is a saying that says 'If you dig into the past, all you find is dirt' or somein' like that, and it's just so true. But we, man are stupid breed, we can't help asked about the past, look into the past and we pushed ourselves into the corner, to whereever we don't wanna be, and then we felt depressed. Why dig into the past? it's no good man, never is...