Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It was Sunday. It was raining...
I went out and was looking forward to buy my first MAC ever. Having shopped for a while, I stepped inside a MAC store and started chatting with one of the sales. And the next thing you know, we are testing a new one because i'd decided to buy it.

Just when we are testing it, a question pop in my mind and i just let it out, 'Hey, what happen when it like "hang"? where're the control-Alt-delete buttons in a MAC?

This MAC sales guy went quiet for a while and he said, 'Dude, ......it won't, MAC never crashed...it won't 'hang'...'



jeremy said...

Bear with me being naive and innocent, so what other impressive benefits are u getting from the MAC. I only know that it's kind of super powerful hard drive. And the graphic designers use it, right?

Mrszoepoon said...

its just the whole interface, it's like you suddenly realise PC is so ...well... out of the league. It's like a few years ahead