Thursday, June 29, 2006

space crisis

I guess half the wall just isn't going to be enough, i should have ordered a wall of CD shelves!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

my first song

Tonight i have been too busy focusing on mixing my first song, not much to talk about.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


It's Sunday night and every single person i'd like to be with have plans of their own, so i was just left alone on this sad and lonely little Sunday night.

(P.S. just when i thought i'm going to be so miserable, the phone rang and 'someone' has finally come to my rescue :-))

Sunday, June 25, 2006

the PEAK

still suffering from a bad cold, so i guess some exercise will help. Went to the Peak on Saturday and took a long walk around.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

i am becoming...

Do you know this film 'the fly'? It's a retro sci-fi about a man turnning into a fly. What is so scary about it is that i think i am experiencing th same, becoming something else...

Ever since i have this terrible cold, i realize that the people around me are beginning to cough like me, it's like every where i go, i am infecting everyone around. I THINK I AM BECOMING A GIANT BALL OF VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!

(image from

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

In memory of...

Aunt passed away this morning, I know this is huge for ma, I don't know what to say to her. Just wish I can help ma to get through this. I want to help but i am helpness.

This whole 'great depression' is getting me sick and i am phsically very ill at the moment, so i am going to sleep it off and hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

(image from

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


To tell you the truth, i felt moved when i saw this painting. This is an art masterpiece by 'winnie the pooh' and it is his vision on universe. I think this is the benefit of being a child when the universe can be as colourful as you like. (by the way 'winnie the pooh' has problems handling his fine motor muscles and has coordination problems, so this is really an masterpiece!!!!!!!!!! and that is also why i felt moved)


I had a very good friend, one that i think i'll never find again, at least not in this life time. Don't know why, i just screw it up for quite a while, haven't keep contact, haven't chat, haven't apologized. God knows how much i want to turn back the hands of time, to take back the wrongs i've made. But i also know a lot have happened and i was just not arround. What is done is done. Deep down you are still the best, meant it every beat of my heart!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

It was 4:30 when i finished lesson at HKU, went to Central for a walk and here i am sitting in a restaurant by myself eating my lunch-tea-dinner, kind of sad, man.

Friday, June 16, 2006

the killers

'the killers' is so great! 'Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll' and 'Everything will be Alright' are my recent favourite!

Its friday, so I went out for a walk. Happens to walk by an American comics shop which i used to hang out a lot, i stepped inside and it's still the same old look although the stuff is different.

I used to collect this comc 'Spawn' until the one hundred and twenty-something issue and then i stopped. The main character look a bit scary but the plot is great. A soldier died in a cover operation and can't leave the memory of his lover behind. He made a deal with the devil, he gives everythings he got for going back. But the devil is a devil, the deal was just a lie, he went back only to find out his wife has remarried and he became a slave of the devil.

When things are being dragged for too long, you just lost interest in it and sometimes it is important to know when to stop.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Irony. i love what i do for a living at the moment, it has to be aroung people but at the same time i hate to be around people. Hate the fact that i have to work around people i hate, hate the fact that i can't ignore them. As an adult, i guess you have to show politeness, humbleness and kindness. There are lots of pain in the ass around us but you can't kick their ass although I am definitely physically capable of doing so.

However, there are of course the other side of the coin. The other day while i was dragged to do a shit job assigned by some higher power, a friend show up unexpectingly to give me a hand on such a shitty job and that was warm. Afterall i just want to hang out with my students because whatever they did wrong, they're just innocent mistakes, they're pure and it's sweet sometimes. Their world is so simple and ours are just eternally shady.

By the way 'Mr.Brightside' by 'the killers' is awesome. they rock!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It was Sunday. It was raining...
I went out and was looking forward to buy my first MAC ever. Having shopped for a while, I stepped inside a MAC store and started chatting with one of the sales. And the next thing you know, we are testing a new one because i'd decided to buy it.

Just when we are testing it, a question pop in my mind and i just let it out, 'Hey, what happen when it like "hang"? where're the control-Alt-delete buttons in a MAC?

This MAC sales guy went quiet for a while and he said, 'Dude, won't, MAC never won't 'hang'...'


Monday, June 12, 2006

the answer...

So this is the answer. The point of this exercise is that sometimes you just have to think outside the box, how much time have you spent on thinking about drawing the four lines excatly inside the borders?

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Saturday, June 10, 2006

think about it

Can you connect these nine dots using four stright lines?

Friday, June 09, 2006

rainy day

Never like TV. It's a waste of time. I've calculated, every hour of TV actually consists of 20 minutes of commercial, so it's a waste of time. (unless you are a big fan of commercials) But it doesn't mean i am not into drama. Since i'm very depressed from work, i am acting stupid again, went out and spend $500 bucks on DVDs. Left work early. Spend the whole evening listened to very loud music and spent 300 minutes watching "OC" season2 continuously without a break.

Today is a rainy day, i guess weather affect kids. Have a kid in my class, have emotional problem, looks like "winnie the pooh", drawn by the love of his parents. I have spent a great deal amount of time helping him to cope with his temper but just like the weather, there are sunny days and rainy days. Today, out of the blue, he is feeling kind of angry and he wants to throw up(and he is not sick at all), so he throw up in a plastic bag. And what he did to that plastic bag? He just throw it out of the classroom :-) Not outside the windows on to the streets, but actually inside an open area of the school where everyone walk by and when they look up they can see "winnie's" throw up above their head. NICE :-)

Thursday, June 08, 2006

new book

give me strong feelings of loneliness again...


'The bourne identity' and 'The bourne supermacy' are two of my favourite movies that i keep watching over and over again. I love it not because it is an action movie but because of the feelings it gives me. The movie captured the sense of loneliness that i can relate to, there is something i want to share but i have no one to share with. It's not like there is 'no one' around me but we just cannot connect.

I spend a great deal of time alone and the more time i spend, the more i get to know myself, the more i feel separated, deserted.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

are u gifted?

Recently i have been studying on a gifted education course at the HKU, so have you ever think about the question? Are you gifted?

The more i learn about gifted people, the more i realize that it's just a matter of point of view. We all have our strength and weakness, it's just how you look at it.

I always believe that what you gain is what you lose. People with intelligence qoutient over 150 usually have serious social problems, mostly because they see things differently than 'normal' people. so do you still want to be gifted? sometimes it's good to be a little stupid, i guess..


Two of my favourite teams are both out of the playoffs...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

He's back

After a while, my seiko dayona is back! Although the doctor said he is alright now, i promise i will be more careful on him.

Saturday, June 03, 2006


The time is 10:30 am, i wake up and 'Craig David' is playing on the ipod stereo, it was a good morning. I have stopped reading for a while now, so i decided to went out in the morning and bought home a bunch of books.
I am more interested in English books, i am fascinated in western culture. Although i should be proud to be a Chinese and my culture, instead i am kind of fed up with the Hong Kong culture. Everything is so shallow, everyone is following everybody, every thing is burning until it's burnt, no style, no perspetive.


Can't remember since when, i'm obsessed with scent. Scent can represent what kind of person you are, whatever it is fresh, sweet, spicy, hot, light, or 'smelly'. Hope my choise of scent can represent who i am.

The time is right

Still hurting because my favourite seiko 'daytona' is broken again, still doesn't know if he will be alright or not... So, i decided to put myself together and bought this swatch watch today...but still thinking about seiko 'daytona'