Sunday, April 16, 2006


The time is 5:24a.m., usually this is the time I go to bed during holidays but yesterday I wake up at 5:24. The reason is I, as the son of the family, has to go back to my hometown to pay a visit to my deceased grandparents, great grandparents and great great grandparents. Therefore, I went with my old man. After almost a day of 'adventure', I discovered a funny fact. The fact that there is a frequent, unavoidable, essential use of 'til'but not as 'unTIL the day I die' . Here are some examples:
''til' I am hungry now..'
''til' What time is it?'
''til' It is hot today...'
''til' Is this your son?'
''til' this roast chicken is quite delicious...'
What I posted here are just some of the examples, 'till' can also be used as a noun, verb, an adjective and many more, AMAZING!

However, for those of you who don't know what is 'till', I am can ignore this artical and come back tomorrow :-)

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