Sunday, April 23, 2006

Update on Renovation Vol.4

Update on Renovation

Day 11 ..... lights arrived

Day 12 ..... working on new floor

Day 13 ..... furniture arrived

Day 14 ..... working on furniture

Day 15 ..... polishing furniture

Day 16 ..... everbody take a rest :-)

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I have never felt the importance of 10 inches in my life before!

Since I am a sneaker freak (especially Jordans), I have designed a storage unit just for my sneakers. As I have just mentioned, I am a sneaker freak, so I don't collect sneakers only, I also collect the boxes that store my sneakers, the largest one, which are the new 'Lebron James' series are 10 inches wide each. Therefore, I have asked the carpenter to tailor make the storage unit with exactly 10 inches wide. All seems great until......

Today, the actual storage unit has arrived, as I eagerly and excitingly look at my design, this is what i found: when you ask a carpenter to make things, you MUST tell him whether the inches are the inner size or the outter size.

In my case, I want the inner size to be 10 inches wide and the carpenter THOUGHT that 10 inches are the outter size. As a result, I HAVE A SNEAKER STORAGE UNIT THAT CAN NOT STORE SNEAKERS! ..........:-O

Monday, April 17, 2006

Update on Renovation Vol.3

Update on Renovation

Day 8 ..... polishing new walls
Day 9 ..... final stage of electrical work, polishing new walls
Day 10 ..... final stage of wall polishing, doors were up


Wanted to buy some new tees from 'Stussy' but I left empty-handed, I guess they all sold out.

Update on renovation: NEW DOORS WERE UP!

Sunday, April 16, 2006


The time is 5:24a.m., usually this is the time I go to bed during holidays but yesterday I wake up at 5:24. The reason is I, as the son of the family, has to go back to my hometown to pay a visit to my deceased grandparents, great grandparents and great great grandparents. Therefore, I went with my old man. After almost a day of 'adventure', I discovered a funny fact. The fact that there is a frequent, unavoidable, essential use of 'til'but not as 'unTIL the day I die' . Here are some examples:
''til' I am hungry now..'
''til' What time is it?'
''til' It is hot today...'
''til' Is this your son?'
''til' this roast chicken is quite delicious...'
What I posted here are just some of the examples, 'till' can also be used as a noun, verb, an adjective and many more, AMAZING!

However, for those of you who don't know what is 'till', I am can ignore this artical and come back tomorrow :-)

Friday, April 14, 2006


Got to get out! So, I went to one of my favourite dinners 'O' in Central. Got myself a big breakfast, lunch, tea..whatever. It's my paradise.

Update on Renovation Vol.2

Update on Renovation

Day 4 ..... electrical work

Day 5 ..... electrical work

Day 6 ..... building new walls

Day 7 ..... new walls finished, working on floor

Thursday, April 13, 2006


After months of waiting, finally get to see 'JARHEAD'. To me, this movie is about dreams, expectations and reality, in a very masculine way of course. Jake's performance was great and it was so thrilling to hear Kanye West's 'Jesus Walks' at the end of the film.

By the way, sis is on her way to London today, BE SAFE and don't try anything DANGEROUS!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I am in PRISON

The time was 11:30 a.m., today was the first day of my 9 days Easter Holiday, I haven't got any plans yet but I know I will figure it out. So, I opened the door of my temporary bedroom and...this is what I saw... A SWEATY BELLY BUTTON! Yes, A SWEATY BELLY BUTTON! How scary is that! That is the belly button of the 'electric worker' who helps us with the electricity. He was standing right in front of my bedroom working on the electrical wires. So, I closed the door, sat down and this is what I did on the first day of my Easter holiday, listened to my iPod and play video games.....................

Monday, April 10, 2006

Lights up!

These are the lights to be use in my room.

Update on Renovation

Update on Renovation:

Day 1..... walls were down
Day 2..... old wall paint was off
Day 3..... floor was off, new wall's frame are up

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Since renovation starts on Saturday morning and Mr. Heavy Bomber had shut the door to my room with the keys inside, I had some time off and went to the Groovisions exhibition at the Arts Centre. Not as fantanstic as i thought but it is still worth going, had a surprise though, the Comix exibition downstairs was great!

Mr. Heavy Bomber

Mr. Heavy Bomber: Hey, Mr. Poon, it is going to be verrrry dusty when i tear the walls down!
Father: Why don't you help me to close the door?
Mr. Heavy Bomber: Sure! Here you go!
Me: Hey, Dad, Where is the key to this room?
Father: It's in the room.
Me: Which room?
Father: The one which Mr.Heavy Bomber just shut...................... the door..........
Mr. Heavy Bomber: Bomb! Bomb! Bomb!
(By the way, Mr. Heavy Bomber is the worker who helps us to tear the walls down.)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

'The Working Unit'

Issue number 0002 of my design is 'The Working Unit' featuring a very simple working desk and a series of CD shelves to store my collection of over thousands of CDs.
For those of you who are following my blog, I am very proud to inform you that this is actually the last issue of my funiture design articles since there will only be two major funiture unit in my future home :-) Don't be tooooooooo dissapionted though, my next blog article will feature the floor plan of my future home, so stay close!!!!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

'The Closet'

Renovation starts on this coming Friday!
So, I will start a series of home funiture design by ME that will actually be use in my room.
Today is issue 0001, 'The Closet' with a three- doors 48' long closet and a two-doors 30' long stoarge unit.

Welcome any comment(s) on my design :-) Don't be too harsh of course.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


After a loooong week of sickness and work, time to take a walk, have some good food and relax. Also searching for the right lamp for my room and looking for the perfect sofa. Haven't found what i am looking for but got a surprise, the long waited 'The Godfather' game was out, just EXCITING!