Friday, March 31, 2006

King Kong

I have finished 'King Kong' and 'The Constant Gardener'.

I once read a critic that said you can skip the first 50 minutes of 'King Kong"and go straight into the sceen where Kong got into a fight with some raptors, animals, creatures, hundreds of bats and with 'people'. To me, I think the movie was great, in terms of it's storyline, the flow, the settings and of course the visual effects. I say the first 50 minutes was alright, it reproduces the mood of the era, 1933, economic depression, everybody dreaming of ways to make money, motivate a filmmaker to go for an adventure to shoot the best picture ever. The CG was unreal, credit to Peter Jackson, and I don't know what more to ask for as a sci-fi movie.

I guess that's just life, you just can't be perfect, there are always people saying you are doing too much, people saying you are doing too little, you just can't be just right, right? After all, it's all about balance.

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