Wednesday, November 21, 2007

die hard Wednesday

this is how i spent my Wednesday, wake up at five-thirty, start basketball training at 7:20, assembly at 8:00, two P.5 English lessons and two P.1 English till 11:00, then basketball trainning at recess, a P.5 G.S. lesson followed by lunch with my P.5 class, then two P.2 computer lessons and a P.5 guided studies lesson till 3:00. Next, basketball team trainning again till 5:00 and that's not it, still got meetings and when i FINALLY went back to my desk, it's 6:30. feels very suicidal.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

need some air

recently i have the feeling that everything is just tended to happen against my will, it almost made me suffocate. i am trying very hard to make things bettter, it has taken all of my energy and patience, but i just coudn't believe how useless i am, everthings just seems to be the same, and i feel like no one know all the hard work, all the heart that i have put in... when will this shadow be gone? i really can't figure out what to do next, i believe what i ask for is not selfish, i just want to help, to ease the pain, but why am i feeling like i am taking all the shit from things i haven't done? what scares me the most is that, similar things have happened, history is not going to repeat, is it? just shed me some light, i need some air...

p.s. even when i am at work, i'm already fed up with the things around, so i rather find a secret spot to hide...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

the weakness in me

energy level is real low, has almost use up all i've got left, need love, need a hug, need security to cure the weakness in me. work, stress, illness, boredom, deserted, frustration, hate myself like this...

Friday, November 16, 2007

that's all i want

the simplest thing is sometimes the hardest thing to get, and that's all i want, quiet time, quality time, just the two of us

Thursday, November 15, 2007

breaking the habit

it's an old saying but it can't be any truer, 'life ain't easy'. things aren't always go as we like, and work sucks most of the time and boss are mostly shithead but LIFE GOES ON, we just have to learn to roll with it. i know i can't figure it all out yet, but i do starting to learn to look for the good things in every shity little thing, enjoy life and enjoy the things that are dear to you. at least you got something, always remember that. breaking the habit, live a new life.

p.s. for those of you who can't understand what the hack i am writing, it's ok, just don't give a shit. this is a public private message. peace.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

have you ever visit this Ocean Park and Disneyland?

In this Ocean Park, pandas are actually riding on jelly fish.

And Mickey Mouse looking like a cat in this Disneyland

What are we feeding our kids?

Monday, November 05, 2007


recently, i have caught a diesease. It's called the 'broke every watch you love' disease. Yep, I have continuously broke all the watches i love and i am so depressed to get them fixed, worrying that the watch-fixing guy tell me my watch is dead and can't be fixed. So, I went on a two weeks journey without wearing a watch, without knowing the time... Until, ZOE bought me this Mudman! The very tough Mudman that i believe can survive my disease. Hang in there, and thanks, Zoe.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

lost memories

just bought the new album from backstreet boys/backstreet man, it reminds me lots of memories, memories from the past, and letting me realize how far i have come all these years. Seize the day.

Friday, November 02, 2007

great fashion sense

ladies and gentleman, he may be the next Tom Ford.great fashion sense, and did a nice job of mix and match. First of all, long sleeve sweat shirt inside with short sleeve uniform outside, nice layering! Then mix with winter sports trousers, great creativity! Finally, match with a pair of old school black sneakers. A master piece!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

tired body, restless mind

still bordered by these thousands voices inside, although work have been exhausting recently, still can't take my mind of it. but tonight went to this concert with my love one, surprisingly makes me feel much better, not bad to start a new month on the first of november, two thousand and seven, i believe things are gonna get better!! don't let me down.