Sunday, October 28, 2007

a broken man

every once in a while, there will be things reminding me what I've been through, reminding me inside I am still a million pieces apart, the knife is still stabbed into my heart. Maybe I should have taken care of things before, instead of ignoring it because after all this time, i am still a broken man, it's just not fair to the people I love.

1 comment:

-nd- said...

Well I feel sorry for you for handling too much terrible guys in your work. Try to avoid affecting your emotion by those guys and focus yourself to do other nutritious things and, at the end of the day, you would find yourself a happy man, right? Next time when you're too hot in dealing those things, feel free to come to my desk or go to the fridge to get a can of drink to cool down. ^_^ Vandalism is not to be encouraged or you'll be arrested, beware! ^_^