Wednesday, August 29, 2007

wireless...why? ness?

just can't believe how hard it is to use wireless, aren't it suppose to be easy to use? well, not in my case. I bought my old notebook planned to use it in my school, but what good it is if i can't use the internet. So i try to connect but failed, then i ask the 'IT' guy to help, and what he had done is that he looked at my notebook, tell me why i can't use the internet AND JUST GIVE THE NOTEBOOK BACK TO ME WITHOUT EVEN TRYING TO FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, all i can do is look for alternate help but still can't fix the problem.... Fortunately, i am not going to give up and after keeping haunting the 'IT' guy, he finally fix my notebook and now(two weeks later), i am connected...And so, it took two weeks to connect to the internet.

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