Thursday, August 30, 2007

lonely Thursday

Here i am, alone, on the bus, going to get myself bored

Today, i have to go to a professional development workshop on web-based English learning, that means i have to go there alone, and when i got there, it was even 'bore-er' than i could imagine, so that's how i spent my day, BORED!

Fortunately, there is something for my to get excited about, i went to see the (supposed) last episode of the Jason Borne series. Its just Great!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

wireless...why? ness?

just can't believe how hard it is to use wireless, aren't it suppose to be easy to use? well, not in my case. I bought my old notebook planned to use it in my school, but what good it is if i can't use the internet. So i try to connect but failed, then i ask the 'IT' guy to help, and what he had done is that he looked at my notebook, tell me why i can't use the internet AND JUST GIVE THE NOTEBOOK BACK TO ME WITHOUT EVEN TRYING TO FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, all i can do is look for alternate help but still can't fix the problem.... Fortunately, i am not going to give up and after keeping haunting the 'IT' guy, he finally fix my notebook and now(two weeks later), i am connected...And so, it took two weeks to connect to the internet.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


so looking forward to this movie and tonight finally got the chance to catch it. so awesome

take a closer look

my work here is done

enter the matrix, let's roll

gettin' started

half way there, take a break

need some more...

the sun is up

my work here is done!

Monday, August 27, 2007

ipod shuffle

Always have been an ipod guy, because i need the massive storage volume for my collection of thousands of songs. Times changed, ever since i bought my MacBook, he has become my new library for my music, and more importantly i am much less lonelier than before, the time i spent with my earphones have dropped significantly, so ipod shuffle is a very good choice! THX again. :-)

exchange gifts

since a lot happened this week, need a way to ease the stress, one way always work and that is shopping! tonight, we exchange gifts, a pair of Dr. Martens for an ipod shuffle. THX, I love it!!!

work in progress

spent the afternoon decorating my classroom, still a lot to do.....

raining Monday

Before i left home for work this morning, i looked out the window and i was all shiny and hot, so i put on my sunglasses and left. Just when i finished breakfast, IT WAS ALL RAINY AND WET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

get things organized in my classroom, always feel nice to c things neat and tidy.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Today, let's do some maths:
Friday night's sleeping hour=2
Saturday night's leeping hour=14
Friday + Saturday / 2 = (14 + 2) / 2 = 8
and that's why i go to sleep at 1:00 last night and wake up at 15:00 today.

another treat for this week

went shopping after lunch, and find the perfect shoe for the new school year!