Thursday, February 22, 2007


I am tired, finding that I am living under a shadow. The shadow of a past, of an experience, of an believes... It is like once you know you'll get an electric shock from a plug, then everytime you encounter a plug, you'll hesitate, you'll think of the posibility that you may get an electric shock. And that was me now. If I can't get rid of this shadow, sooner or later, me or someone else will get hurt and I really don't want to see that to happen. So please give me some light, enough to make this shadow away...


Mrszoepoon said...

we can learn something from the past, think positive.

MW+ve said...

when there's light, there comes shadow......
we cannot live without history, and you know what, there's no failure in life, the only thing we've got is feedback from what we did......which we can learn from it.
Be brave gonna make it, i promise.