Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My Wednesday

hang out late with my colleagues last night, sleep till noon,
and this is my Wednesday.

Monday, May 29, 2006

I'm back

I'm back, it's been a tough week for me because of work and sickness but thankfully i'm feeling much better now.

Over the weekend, i've watched 'a lot like love' again, it's one of my favourite movies. Although it's a movie about love but it always give me inspiration on other things. Every once in a while, i have this depressing feeling that i have been taking a lot of things around me for granted, that i am not being true to myself, that i haven't done my best when i can. Anyway, to my family, to the people i love, love u all :-) good health to everyone

New Gear

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

New vision

a new vision for my XBOX 360, PC, DVD, TV and itunes!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


As the last package of CDs were rediscovered, the great great work of sorting, rearranging and categorizing my collection of CDs can finally be completed. The question remain... there's not much space left...


UFO? of course not, it's the fantastic light of my palace!

have a drink

First thing every morning, my own piece of paradise!

Friday, May 05, 2006


Finally got time to bring the new XBOX 360 home! The ultimate game console for games, DVDs and music, the most attractive aspect is that i can connect my ipod and listen to it in every game i play! Awesome! The first game i bought is NBA live 06 of course, the graphics are unreal man!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Life has a funny way to mess you up!

Just when i was thinking about throwing away some of the shoe boxes to preserve space, this is what happen, the new retro jordan 7 has come out! Oh Noooooooooo! The whole package, the box, the postcard, the shoes of course are a piece of art! so....

So this is how i am going to do with my jordan shoe boxes..........I WILL FREAKING KEEP THEM ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!