Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Exit

thanks for visiting all these times, its time for me to move on, to enter a new part of my life. so, its time for an end but its also the beginning of something new. Come visit me at from now on. c u.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Valentine's Day

Don't worry, you are not looking at an old post. I always believe you can't force happiness, you have to let it comes to you. However, you have to find happiness in order for it to come to you. I thought today was just another Sunday, wake up at 3 in the afternoon, have a late lunch, but then things keep getting better and better, We have an amazing time wandering around, holding hands, have an amazing dinner at this fantastic diner, we both bought some great gifts together for each other, we bought a movie back home and it turns out to be the most loveable film for a long time, we just have the most amazing time together. It just felt like Valentine's Day all over again. Love ya Z.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

choco mission

the best cake ever, at take-a-break

can't wait

melt my heart

half way

won't give up...

almost there...

mission accomplished.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

charged and discharged

I dare to say there is no one on earth will say their holiday is too long and they want to go to work so bad. For the past two weeks i have been living this holiday to the fullest, letting my heart and body to tell me what to do and when to do. So it's been amazing, with endless PS3 playing, movies watching, music playing, sleeping, street wandering and love hugging. But it's the last day already, like it or not, I know I have to face the fact that it's work again. It's been the kind of holiday i have been looking for, and I really needed it, so, for now, i guess i am fully charged, ready to work.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

post valentine

glad that we've found this little 'gettaway', our perfect spot to chill, to hide and to find good food. a little deli, in confined space. Glad that we found you.

Friday, February 15, 2008


On this very special day, we didn't do anything special. A nice but tasty dinner, couple of conversations, and a few laughters. After that, buried ourselves in our cosy sofa, and watched Resident Evil. We didn't do anything special, we didn't have the 'Valentine Dinner', we didn't watch 'Love Movie', but we enjoyed the 'unspecial' special moments together.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The King has returned

No further introduction. The king has returned. At these time of my absence, I have done some soul-searching, and some very important decisions making. For the first time in life, I have every confident in my decision. I am glad that everything seems so clear now and just hope everything goes as planned. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


ever since the coming of 2008, everything is so different, one thing is leading to another, something big is gonna happen...