Thursday, August 31, 2006

This is the end...This is the start...

Exactly one day left before the new school term starts, glad to have this last day off and just chill. i have great hope for this coming year, it feels great to be crystal clear about the road ahead. at this point of my life, i can't say i have all the 'questions' figured out but at least i think i am back on track now. promise i'll walk my path wisely :-)

Saturday, August 26, 2006


Only one week left before the new school term starts, it's been quite a year and its time to get things started. my goal for this year is to dedicate more to my work, its my second year in this 'new' job, so the privilege of being 'the small potato' is over, anyway i guess it's time to be more focus on work for a better future, quite a cliche, ha...?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

time is up

i look at the time and suddenly realize that time is almost up, this very short summer holiday is coming to an end... seems like haven't really taken a break, since i have been going through a lot of changes. i am glad that i have make some very important decisions and no matter what will happen in the future, at least i can look in the mirror and face myself that i have no regrets, i am man enough to face my feelings!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

let go

as we become more and more mature in our life, we become less able to let go. we become scare of every little shit we encounter, we scare of this, we scare of that. we become less strong enough than we used to. we scare of change. we scare of losing things. we scare of never finding the next best thing. but again, it's not brave if you are not scared.

p.s. thanks +ve. your my man! i know only true friends are man enough to tell me the truth. to tell me i am being an asshole if i keep hiding away from my feelings. to ask me to be man enough to face my problems. thanks man!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


its been quite a while... during all this time i have been trying to let myself really take it seriously to think about what happened, what i need, what went wrong. and i come to realize that it really isn't about right or wrong. its all about time. something didn't happen, words haven't said, but when it happened, it's already years too late. a heart haven't beat for years and it has forget how to beat. just hope that from now on we all know how to cherish the things we want, don't ever let yourself know what u've got until its gone.

i've spent a year to let myself to finally move on, the time is hard but it had made me grow as a man.